This site was designed for displaying the coinage of Gordian III and the Roman Provincial coins from my collection and to share the little knowledge I have garnered along the way with other collectors.
My favorite collection and primary area of concentration is that of Gordian III, the boy emperor who ruled from 238 A.D. until his death in 244 A.D. It is my intention that this be only the beginning and over time will grow into a useful collection of pages covering the history and coinage of this little understood emperor.
I have organized the Gordian III collection into two parts. The first covers the imperial coinage issued as antoninianus, denarius, dupondis, as, and sestertius and is organized by RIC number. The second part covers the provincial coins issued during the reign of Gordian III. For simplicity, I am presenting it broken down by province and city.
Roman provincial coins are indexed by emperor and also by province and city. This is a collecting area that is fast growing in popularity among collectors. From personal experience, I find this area to be a fascinating and challenging area to research the coinage being found.
Unlike imperial coins which have been reasonably documented and published within the volumes of The Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC), reference materials for roman provincial or greek imperial coins are somewhat disjointed among numerous published collections such as Lindgren , Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (SNG), British Museum Catalogue (BMC) to name but a few.
The future planned volumes of Roman Provincial Coinage will eventually create a single reference source similiar to RIC for collectors of this area. At present, only volumes I and II, covering up through Domitian, have been published. I look forward to the day when these comprehensive resources are published.
If you find any errors or have any comments on improving this site, please contact me at I'd like to hear what you find helpful and what would make the site easier to use. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy.